The Order of the Lily and the Eagle (O.L+E) is a free and independent spiritual movement of initiatory, practical and social philosophy.

As a spiritual movement, the O.L+E leads its members through the philosophical path in search of the causes and laws of Life, individual, collective and universal.

It is free because it does not bind and compel its members to perceptions, beliefs and activities alien to their will. On the contrary, it encourages the manifestation of their dissimilar personalities.

It is independent because it holds its own doctrine, which it constantly elaborates, deepens and expands.

It is spiritual because it seeks and brings out the ideal from within the real.

It is initiatory, because it progressively introduces (initiates) its members to the principles and truths of its doctrine, so that they may be understood and applied for the benefit of both themselves and their fellow men.

It is practical because it concerns both the theory of universal life and the practice of daily life, both equally important and critical, on an individual and social level.

It is philosophical because it investigates in depth the truths of beings and things and then elaborates the ways in which to meet the real needs of individuals and society.

According to the original conception of its founders, the three Aims or purposes of the O.L+E are:
1st Aim: The special and personal initiatory education as well as the instruction of its members in order to create a free and independent Personality
Special, as it aims to develop the latent potentialities and hidden powers which are inherent in every human being by nature.
Personal, because it is transmitted individually through the maieutic and dialectic method. 
2nd Aim: The material, psychic and spiritual charity, in which its members practice individually and collectively, for the benefit of all the suffering people.
Material charity, based on the real needs of the sufferer, established after a serious examination and applied in cooperation, for the maximum self-sufficiency and dignity of the sufferer.

Psychic charity, based on honest and sincere human friendship, acting in a spirit of well-meaning reciprocity.

Spiritual charity, on the basis of an objective consideration of the dissimilarity, reciprocity and fraternity of human beings.
3rd Aim:The study, development and diffusion of a sound physical, moral and rational Social Code of Principles, which can heal and regenerate any human society.
The O.L+E, by gathering all its forces and after the in-depth study, understanding and realization of the ideas, principles and truths of the doctrine of its Founders, will be able to proceed to a public proclamation of a Universal Code of Principles for a universal society of justice, truth, happiness and progress.
The Emblems
The O.L+E bears as emblems the Lily and the Eagle, ancient symbols of the two primordial principles of creation: love and wisdom, respectively. As these higher principles of love and wisdom, with all their derivatives, are found in every human being, the O.L+E members promise to work on themselves to cultivate and apply them continuously in both their individual and social lives.
By imparting to its members exclusively the development of their dissimilar personalities, the O.L+E enables them to be a source of real balance, happiness and progress, both for themselves and for society.
Excluding any kind of propaganda, proselytism or advertising, the O.L+E bases the dissemination of its ideas and principles on the work and personal example of its members, an example of good works far from any prejudice, dogmatism, fanaticism or partiality.
Other Information
Anyone who is seriously interested in the O.L+E Work can request information via the contact form and the responsible officers of the Order will respond accordingly.